Monday, June 08, 2009

Falling Behind

I haven't published much because I'm on a writing roll with the dissertation. Just passed 200 pages today, so the official count before the introduction and conclusion are included is 202. I'm starting the intro tomorrow, come hell or high water, so maybe next Monday will be 250. In my dreams of course, but that is what I would like to accomplish this week.

This whole process has given me much more respect for people who write books or publish constantly. I used to believe I was smart enough to do anything, but now I know that smarts are only part of it, and I don't have as much of the rest of it as I need to make this process easy. So that stream of money-making romance novels I always thought I would write in my spare time might not be forthcoming. To assuage disappointment, I'll offer a summary of my stillborn novels:

Slightly naive woman with unconventional beauty and high intelligence meets cynical man of wealth and similar intelligence, with mysterious suffering in his past. Woman tells man to suck it up and move on with his life. Man tells woman she is shallow and lacks compassion. 325 pages of gratuitous sex and detailed clothing descriptions later, progeny are engendered, wedding bells ring, and they live happily ever after. Ta Da! Repeat with different hair and skin colors, plus different causes of mysterious suffering.

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