Tuesday, July 22, 2008


This second post in one day is a rare event, but I had to share my triumph:
I convinced the obstetricians to reschedule the c-section for a later date! I've been working on this since April or May, with no success. I don't know if they became tired of dealing with me, if they have some predetermined threshold for complaints, beyond which they begin to listen, or if someone else delivered early, but they found a time for me on my actual due date, instead of a week early.

Standby for my mortification when the kid comes early.


Amy B. said...

I feel a little cheated and might have made a different bet on the babypool had I known. But, okay, if that's what you want to do, have at it, Boss. Don't worry about me in the least.

Jaye said...

I'm sorry, I should have consulted you first. I've become aware that I have disrupted vacation plans for all sorts of people, and have ruined my chances of attending the company picnic. C'est la vie, ma ami!

Thanks for the chocolate though :)